赵太新,韩 峰, 王彦平(内蒙古工业大学机械学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010051) 摘 要:近年来,图像处理在微小变形的测量中应用越来越广泛,它具有方便灵活、对被测对象没有任何伤害等优点,且只需对被测对象进行拍照,然后对图像进行处理分析,利用亚像素法原理即可精密测量出试样的微小变形。因此,利用AT89C51与CMOS图像传感器OV5017组成DMA方式数据采集系统,FT245BM虚拟USB口与PC机通讯,实现了对纵向和横向两个方向微小变形的无接触精密测量,且精度高成本低。 关键词:AT89C51单片机;OV5017CMOS图像传感器;DMA片内直接存储;USB通讯;图像匹配 中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-4984(2007)01-0062-03 Small distortion measurement system based on CMOS image sensor ZHAO Tai-xin, HAN Feng, WANG Yan-ping (School of Mechanical Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Technology,Huhehote 010051,China) Abstract:In recent years,the image processing has widely applied in precise measurement of small distortion. It has merit of being convenient and nimble and having no injury to measured object and so on. It only needs to take photographs to the measured object for processing and analyzing. Using sub-pixel image matching,the authors obtained the precise measurement of small distortion. In this way,by the data gathering system of DMA way compose of AT89C51 and the image sensor OV5017,virtual USB communication mouth of AT89C51and PC using FT245BM,they realized the precise measurement of small distortion in the two directions,longitudinal and the crosswise,with more precision,low cost and no damage to measured object of course. Key words: AT89C51 single chip microcontroller;OV5017CMOS image sensor;DMA internal direct memory;USB communication;Image matching
1 引言 近年来,随着计算机技术、大规模集成电路和专用元器件的飞速发展,256级灰度的全彩色LED大显示屏在国内发展迅速,但是目
引言 S3C2410是三星公司生产的基于ARM920T内核的RISC微处理器,其主频可达203MHz[1],适用于信息家电、PDA、手持设备、移动终端