(1.广州大学实验中心,广东 广州 510006;2.长沙威胜电子有限公司,湖南 长沙 410013)
中图分类号:TM933.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-4984(2006)03-0051-02
Reverse phase sequence detecting circuit for three-phase power meter
XIE Bin-sheng<sup>1</sup>,YOU Xu-hong<sup>2</sup>
(1.Guangzhou University Experiment Center,.Guangzhou 510006,China;
2.Weisheng Electronics Co.LTD.,Changsha 410013,China)
Abstract: This paper introduced structure and operating principle of a new kind of alarm circuit which can detect reverse phase sequence connection in three-phase power meter. It mainly expounded the circuit with vector diagrams in theory. When power meter is in reverse-phase-sequence condition, this circuit will alarm to tell operator to correct error connection in time. This guarantees the exact metering of power meter. The circuit, composed of few components such as capacitor, resistance and LED, is very simple. After long period application, the results show that it has distinct practical value and high reliability and can be widely used in reverse-phase-sequence detection.
Key words: Three-phase power meter; Positive phase sequence; Reverse phase sequence; Arrow diagram; Phase-sequence detection
1 引言 近年来,随着计算机技术、大规模集成电路和专用元器件的飞速发展,256级灰度的全彩色LED大显示屏在国内发展迅速,但是目
引言 S3C2410是三星公司生产的基于ARM920T内核的RISC微处理器,其主频可达203MHz[1],适用于信息家电、PDA、手持设备、移动终端